smita pant on bangladesh

Indian Ministry of External Affairs Official Stresses India-Bangladesh Ties for Future Security

Smita Pant, a senior official at the Bangladesh-Myanmar Division of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, emphasized the close connection between India’s future, especially its security, and Bangladesh. She highlighted the potential for collaboration between the two countries, particularly in renewable energy and the protection of the Sundarbans delta.

Speaking at an event commemorating the death anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Pant mentioned that despite the tragic events that took place in 1975 when Bangabandhu and his family were killed, his values and dreams endure. She noted that Bangladesh has made progress in rejecting extremism and is on a path to becoming a middle-income country, contributing significantly to UN peacekeeping efforts.

Bangladesh’s High Commissioner to India, Mohammed Mustafizur Rahman, spoke about Bangabandhu’s legacy and his commitment to equality, justice, and self-determination. He highlighted how Bangabandhu’s teachings and ideals continue to influence and inspire people.

Pankaj Saran, former Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, praised Bangladesh’s socioeconomic achievements, noting that its statistics have surpassed those of Pakistan and, in certain aspects, even India. He attributed this progress to Bangabandhu’s vision of a prosperous Bangladesh and strong relations with India.

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