rishi sunak british pm

Rishi Sunak Says 100% of Women Do Not Have Male Genitalia

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he believes that 100 percent of women do not have male genitalia. The prime minister has put himself at odds with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer by declaring that 100 percent of women do not have male genitals.
When asked whether it is true that 100 percent of women do not have a penis, in an interview with Tory-supporting website Conservative Home, Mr. Sunak said: “Yes, of course.”
He added,
“We should always have compassion, understanding, and tolerance for those thinking about changing their gender. Of course, we should. But when it comes to these issues of protecting women’s rights, women’s spaces, I think the issue of biological sex is fundamentally important when we think about those questions.
He added, “As a general operating principle for me, biological sex is vitally, fundamentally important in these questions. We can’t forget that.”

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