obama sent letter to dr yunus

Barack Obama Pens Letter to Dr. Yunus, Recognizing His Important Work

Former US President Barack Obama sent a letter to Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Yunus, praising his efforts to empower people and alleviate poverty.

Dr. Yunus shared the letter on his verified Facebook page, in which Obama expressed his admiration for Yunus’s work and the impact he has had on millions of people. Obama also wished Yunus strength and the freedom to continue his important work.

The letter was signed on August 17th.

The letter said, “I have long been inspired by your efforts to empower people through offering them the means to lift their families and communities out of poverty. As I said when having the opportunity to meet you in the White House in 2009, your work has inspired millions to imagine their own potential.”

“During thie period, I hope it gives you strength to know that many whose potential you invested in, and those of us who care about a more equitable economic future for all, are thinking of you, and I hope that you continue to have the freedom to do your important work,” it added.

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