operation al aqsa flood
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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood: A Resistance with Far Dire Consequences

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, launched by Al-Qassam Brigades on 7 October, dealt a severe blow to Israel. It was a significant military and security attack, resulting in the highest number of Israeli casualties in recent history. Israel’s security doctrine failed, and its deterrent power was shattered as Al-Qassam Brigades.

Israel, taken by surprise, is now working to regroup and respond. They aim to rebuild their image and military deterrent. To do this, they have formed an emergency unity government.

The occupying Israeli force has launched a counter-offensive military campaign against Gaza to regain its dominance, but in reality, it seems Israel wishes to wipe out the existence of Gaza and its people by carpet bombing the whole region committing an irreversible genocide.

Till now Israel has targeted infrastructure and civilian institutions along with churches, schools, UN refugee centers, media offices, and even targeted a bakery. There have been accusations of target-killing journalists who are exposing the atrocities committed by Israel. The number of casualties is increasing with every passing minute with over 7000 killed so far, including over 3000 children. Israel will soon launch a ground invasion that will result in unprecedented causality and could boil into a regional conflict. They will have support from the United States and Europe.

The resistance is aware of the consequences of this operation and anticipates severe Israeli retaliation. It recognizes that Israel desires to end the resistance in Gaza and normalize its relations with Arab countries. The Gaza Strip may face significant pressure.

The resistance’s strategy includes strengthening its internal unity, unifying resistance forces inside and outside Palestine, using the issue of Israeli hostages to halt aggression, and garnering support from the international community, especially from countries sympathetic to its cause.

Written by Daccanomics

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