benefits of blogging is it worth the time and effort
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Benefits Of Blogging In 2023 | Is Blogging Worth The Trouble?

Sitting in a chair and brainstorming for topics to write about… doesn’t seem fun right? Although it may sound boring and dumb, blogging is one of the best ways to make money online. It is a great source for passive income and some are even making millions if not billions by blogging.

Most people before even starting out ask this question: Is blogging still worth it?

Most bloggers would say Yes, Definitely! But I would differ.

Blogging is great if done properly. You should definitely pursue blogging if you are ready to give some effort. But if you think it as a laid back job and know nothing about blogging then maybe you should try your luck with something else.

A recent study suggests that there are over  600 million active blogs across the web. But 90% of those blogs get no traffic at all. It is because of the poor quality of content, weak SEO, and inconsistent publishing.

Over the last decade, blogging has evolved from having more personal to more professional goals. What most people don’t realize is that blogging is more than just writing about a topic. Yeah sure, you could write about your dream journal and get thousands of hit back in the days of the dot-com boom.

Now things have changed so much. With competition increasing rapidly and millions of website writing content just to reach on the top of Google search, blogging became a difficult industry to tap into.

Yet if you are persistent and dedicated you could be among the top bloggers out there and make millions. All you have to do is avoid some mistakes that most bloggers do. This way you can establish a successful blog and enjoy the benefits of blogging.

How Much Money Can You Make Blogging?

You still don’t get it, do you? It is not just the money you can make. There is so much more you can do blogging. Making money online is just one of the benefits of blogging. Yes, there are people who are making millions by blogging.

I’ve been blogging for over 7 years. I have 7 different successful blogs that are making a good amount of revenue. Yes, those numbers might not be incredible. But these are just a passive income. Blogging can change your life in so many different ways.

Of course, it changed my financial situation, but it also helped me become more responsible and active. I got to do everything on my bucket list because of blogging.

I’m not gonna convince you and tell if you should pursue blogging or not. That is totally up to you. Rather I’m going to discuss what blogging did for me and the benefits of blogging. If you get inspired by it and say Bye Bye to your 9-5 job, let me know in the comment.

1. Be Your Own Boss


For someone like me who has been stuck on a 9-5 dead-end job, I appreciate this the most. I have worked for a multinational company for almost 4 years. I have dreamt about working for big corporations my whole life.

But when I started working, realty hit hard. I felt suffocated working this 9-5 job. It’s not that I hated working 9-5 but I was not seeing any personal development. I was not comfortable with my work and there was no fun doing it. So I had to quit!

I started blogging in 2014 and since then I never stopped. The freedom to work on your own terms is the most satisfying thing in the world. This was a dream come true for me. It’s a dream millions of people have achieved through blogging.

2. Work Wherever & Whenever You Want


One of the best perks of blogging is you get to work from wherever you want. Blogging is like a remote job. You can work from any place and anytime you want. Even when you are traveling, you can just open your laptop and write a blog. All you need is an Internet connection.

I know it’s a cliche but you really can work from wherever you want because blogging gives you that flexibility. For the past 2 years, I was able to travel to different countries, explore the world, and still be able to work on my blog.

You can be on vacation every day and work on your blog. Not only blogging gives you the opportunity to roam around the world it also lets you work whenever you are comfortable working.

Blogging gives you the liberty to choose your own work hours. If you can manage your hours properly and work accordingly you can expect to grow your business.

3. Multiple Income Stream


The best part about being a blogger is, you can earn even when you are sleeping. Blogging is a great source of passive income. Sometimes it can be your full-time income source. Bloggers like Neil Patel makes millions of dollars by blogging.

Once you have a successful blog and attract consistent organic traffic you can monetize it with Adsense or affiliate products. You don’t need to trade your time for money once you keep making enough money with your blog.

When you have a successful blog and consistent traffic it becomes very easy to make money. With very little work you can make a good amount of money blogging.

If you play your SEO game right, Google will keep sending traffic to your website. Google loves quality content. Make sure you have good content so your bloggers are engaged in your blog.

Blogging is different from any other business model. You actually don’t have to be present to make money. You can just write some great articles and let Google do its work. Just keep your website live and running on the internet 24/7 and you will be making money whether you are there or not.

You are not answerable to anyone for the profit or loss of your business. You can take time off from your blog and yet your income stays the same or even increases. This is surely fun!

Just make sure you have proper SEO done and have enough backlink to keep your post on the top of Google search results. Usually, websites that are at the top 3 of the search result make tons of money depending on the estimated search volume.

People will keep coming to your site and make you money by clicking on Adsense ads or buying affiliate products through your content. SEO is the only option to build consistent, growing traffic to a blog.

4. Monetizing Blog


There are a lot of ways you can money with Blogging. So there is no limit to how much you can grow your income. You just have to be consistent with your blog.

For example, you can start monetization with Adsense and Amazon Affiliate products. You can also promote relevant digital products from CJ, ClickBank, ShareASale, Offervault, etc.

You can also sell online courses from your website. It is a great source of income and you can make a lot more than affiliate marketing just by selling courses.

There are tons of other ways to monetize your blog by which you can make a lot of money while working a lot less than people working in conventional corporate jobs


Blogging can be very profitable if you are willing to spend time and dedicate yourself to improving your blog. Chances are even if you do everything right you won’t make any money the first 6-9 months. It takes time to grow a blog. Once you start getting consistent organic traffic you will be able to see the full potential of blogging.

Written by Daccanomics

Daccanomics is an independent news media company. It is founded with one purpose only – to give the much-needed and sought-after knowledge to help our readers.

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