
BNP General Secretary Fakhrul Claims 422 Out of 875 Deaths in Quota Reform Movement Were BNP Activists

According to various reports, 875 people have died in the movement as of August 13, with 422 of them being BNP activists. This claim was made by BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir during a press conference in Gulshan, Dhaka, on Sunday (September 15).

Mirza Fakhrul stated, “This movement did not emerge suddenly. It is the result of years of oppression, persecution, and built-up frustration. This is not an isolated incident. It is the continuation of BNP’s long-standing journey, and there is no room to downplay BNP’s contribution here.”

He further added that the goal of BNP was not to claim credit for the movement but to ensure the fall of dictatorship.

BNP leaders Dr. Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Mirza Abbas, Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan, Nazrul Islam Khan, and Salauddin Ahmed, along with other members of the party’s standing committee, were present at the press conference.

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