the morning briefing saturday

The Morning Briefing: Saturday, October 22, 2022

We’re covering the demonstration in Khulna as the situation becomes tense every other minute as thousands of BNP members assemble there resolutely to ensure the success of the demonstration. Also, how Liz Truss became the fifth prime minister to leave downing street because of a controversial “tax cut plan”. The ongoing in the Russia Ukraine war and much more………



A Rally and All the Drama Behind It

Thousands of BNP supporters gathered in Khulna city yesterday via trains, motorbikes, and other vehicles to join the party’s rally despite an unofficial transit strike. A lot has unfolded during the last two days surrounding the rally. As thousands of BNP supporters and activists are rushing to Khulna defying all forms of barriers, senior BNP leaders claim that many of their activists were arrested and detained by the Police.

BNP is prepared to demonstrate its organizational power with a massive demonstration in Khulna, having begun its second phase of anti-government protests with huge rallies in Chattogram and Mymensingh. Supporters have been huddling by various modes of transportation from all corners of Khulna.

As the ruling Awami League party warned to exercise caution and prevent any unrest brought on by the demonstrators, tensions are growing. Many Awami League supporters also marched through different streets and held a rally at Shibbari intersection yesterday afternoon. Many Awami local leaders also participated in the event to denounce the BNP-anti-national Jamaat’s conspiracies, disorder, and propaganda.

On the other hand, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir declared that the government would be solely accountable if an unfortunate occurrence occurred during the gathering at the Dak Bungalow crossroads.

Leaders of the BNP have said that the party in power has installed several roadblocks along the way to thwart the huge demonstration.

“At least 10,000 Jhenaidah people would have participated in the Khulna demonstration if the administration had not put up the obstacles. Many of our supporters commute by microbuses, Nasimon, and Karimon “said Abdul Majid, head of the BNP in the Jhenaidah District.

Earlier on Friday many BNP leaders and activists were detained by the police.

Liz Truss – Victim of Inflation or Bad Governance?

As evidence that even the greatest of empires may fall prey to harsh circumstances, Liz Truss became another political victim of inflation.

Liz Truss on Thursday announced she would resign as Britain’s prime minister after just six weeks in office, making her tenure the shortest in the history of the job in 301 years.

In her resignation address which was only 200 words long, Truss stated in her statement from yesterday that “I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected,”

Her tax cut proposal, which sent the nation’s financial markets into a tailspin due to investors’ concerns that it would significantly aggravate inflation, was a major factor in Truss’s departure. Truss made an effort to scrap the idea and ousted the finance minister who was in charge of it. But unfortunately, she was unable to repair the political damage the initiative had caused, and her government’s issues only became worse.

The Conservative Party, which holds a big majority in parliament and need not call a nationwide election for another two years, will elect a new leader by Oct. 28.

Rishi Sunak, a former finance minister, is most likely to face Penny Mordaunt in that race, although former prime minister Boris Johnson, who was forced from office in July when his ministers all quit at once, might also run again as the popular contestant.

Even though Belarus’s ministry of defence says that the mission is ‘exclusively’ to strengthen the protection of its borders, it has raised concerns about another potential Russian army strike.

Thousands of Russian soldiers have been stationed on the western border and in the neighboring country of Belarus, sparking concerns that Moscow may be preparing to launch a new front in its conflict with Kyiv. However, officials from Kyiv to Washington are raising doubts about the seriousness of the threat posed by the military buildup.

Written by Daccanomics

Daccanomics is an independent news media company. It is founded with one purpose only – to give the much-needed and sought-after knowledge to help our readers.

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