how to change your facebook page name

How To Change Facebook Page Name

Are you looking to change your Facebook page name or your Facebook page Username?

Earlier it used to be very easy when you could just log in to your Facebook account and change your Facebook page name without any hassle or verification. It would take less than a minute to change your Facebook Business Page Name.

Why Facebook Changed the Name Changing Policy

But now after the recent updates, Facebook made it a bit difficult to change the page name. Although it is the right thing to do. Many people have started to exploit this opportunity by doing something totally unethical. After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook made some changes to their policy.

There are many instances where people used to open a Facebook page supporting some social cause and when they get the traction they just change their Facebook page name to their brand name or change their agenda into something totally different.

Facebook does not like the idea of changing your Facebook page name quite frequently. This is the reason they have put a filter on this whole process.

Why Is Facebook Changing its Username Policy

Recently Facebook rolled out a new page experience where users will be able to interact with a Facebook page more directly. This new page experience will provide a more interactive layout and will give a lot more customization options to the owner. If you are an owner of a page, you will easily be able to change the username of your page without having to wait for any verification. The new page experience will be applied to all existing Facebook pages from 2023 onwards. With this format, it will be easier to distinguish between Facebook’s public-facing Page and personal profile page.

Is it Possible To Change the Facebook Page Name

Yes, it is possible to change your Facebook page name. Sometimes it becomes essential to change our Facebook page name because most of us when starting out are unsure about our brand or idea. So when we have a clear idea about our brand or what the Facebook page should be about we might have to change our Facebook page name accordingly.

This is the only reason Facebook still kept the option for you to change your Facebook Page name and Username. But this time the whole process is done manually. Your name change application is reviewed by a Facebook employee who looks into the whole process.

Before you change your Facebook Page name, make sure you comply with Facebook’s policy and do not violate any rules. If you try to exploit or take advantage your Facebook page might get a permanent ban.

Facebook often try to avoid page name changes as your Facebook page represents your brand. As you keep growing your Facebook page you start building trust in your brand. Changing your page name will confuse your follower and you might lose trust flow.

But it is very normal if you want to change your Facebook page name. All you have to do is follow the guidelines.

How To Change Facebook Page Name

Luckily, you can change your Facebook page name in just a few simple steps. Don’t worry you do not have to be a web developer to do this task. It is quite simple if you follow all the steps and your brand credibility won’t be hurt by this.

If you have a verified Facebook page, you might have to go through a few additional steps and review process to change your Facebook page name.  Actually it is very tough to totally rebrand your verified Facebook page name.

To help you out, we have compiled all the steps you need to follow to change your Facebook page name and Username. Keep reading and by the end, you will be able to change your Facebook Page name easily.

Before you begin, make sure that you are the Admin of the page of which you are trying to change the name. Only admins can make these types of changes.

1. Click ‘Edit Page Info’

Go to your Facebook page and view your page as the Admin. On the left sidebar, you will be able to see the ‘manage page’ section. Scroll down a bit and you will see the ‘Edit Page Info’ section. Click on the ‘edit page info’ tab and you will be directed to a new page with all your page information.

change facebook page name

2. Change ‘Facebook Page Name’

On the ‘Edit Page Info’ section, you will see an option to change your ‘Name’. If you already have a new name in mind for your Facebook page, type in the new name.

Make sure that your new Facebook page name reflects what your Facebook page is about or it represents your Brand.

If the name is available, you will see a green tick mark on the right side of your new name. Or else you will have to try something new. Facebook page names do not have to be unique. You can get a name that is already in use. or try out something new.

change facebook page username

3. Change ‘Facebook Page Username’

Once you have changed your Facebook page name you can also try to change your username. Remember, your Facebook page username will have to be unique. If the username is already taken, you will have to try out something different.

Here are some common rules that you need to keep in mind while changing your Facebook page name and Page username:

  • Be specific with your name.
  • Keep it simple
  • Use Few Letters
  • Use your Brand Name as the ‘username’
  • Don’t use any variation of “Facebook” in your name.
  • Avoid random capitalization.
  • Never use any misleading terms or words.
  • Don’t include your company slogan in your name.
  • Don’t choose words that can be discriminatory, violating, or abusive.

4. Submit The information

Once you are done selecting a name and username, submit the information. You will see a ‘Request Change’ option. Click on it and your information will be processed.

how to change facebook page name

How long does it take to change your Facebook page name?

Once you are done submitting the information correctly all you have to do is wait. Facebook usually takes 2-3 days to review and change your Facebook page name.

As the name changing process is done manually by a Facebook employee it might take some time to review your information. Sometimes facebook might contact you for any further information. Make sure you provide them the correct information to run the process smoothly.

Facebook will let you know once your page name is changed. But there is also a chance that Facebook will deny your name changing request. Anyway, they will let you know within three days.

Facebook Page Name Change Denied

There is a very good chance that your Facebook page name change request is denied. This is because your request does not follow the Facebook guidelines.

This mostly happens because they might think the subject of your page has changed or the new name might be misleading to your follower. If your name does not comply with Facebook’s policy, your request will not be accepted.

If your Facebook page name is changed drastically from the previous name you will receive a similar message like this:

Hi, We’re unable to update your Page’s name because your request doesn’t follow our Page guidelines. The name you requested suggests that the subject of your Page has changed or may be misleading. This can be confusing for people who like your Page. Page name change requests that don’t meet our guidelines include changes that may be misleading (example: renaming “I Love New York” to “I Love San Francisco”). Requests that meet our guidelines include removing descriptions from a Page’s name (example: renaming “John Smith, Trainer” to “John Smith”). We understand that you might not know our Page Policies, so we encourage you to learn more

how to change facebook business page name

What can you do to change your Facebook Page name if your request is denied

Just because your Facebook page name changing request is denied doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to change your Facebook page name.

Facebook gives you an option to ‘Appeal Page Name Change Request’. All you have to do is select the Facebook page you are trying to change the name and write a good reason for your appeal.

facebook page name change appeal

Before you appeal, make sure that you are not trying to spam Facebook and your name is not misleading. Give a proper explanation for your name change.

Most people often give the same explanation the same appeal reason. So, the chances of this working are also not very good.

Now, this whole process can be a bit frustrating. You might apply more than once if your appeal is rejected.

While there is no limit on how many times you can change the Facebook page name, usually there has to be a one-day gap between each change.

So if you have already changed your Facebook page once, you won’t be able to change it again before 24 hours.

If it still doesn’t work after all this effort, you can try something out of the box. Although it’s a bit of a time-consuming trick but works perfectly well. You can try this to go around the Facebook guidelines and change your Facebook page name.

Change Facebook Page Name After Appeal

This trick seems to work for most people out there. If you have been denied the name change after the appeal, you can try changing your page name word by word.

Let’s give you an example. Suppose our Facebook page name is ‘Daccanomics Online News Daily’

We will try changing the name bit by bit into

  • Daccanomics Online News
  • Daccanomics News
  • And finally into ‘Daccanomics’

It might take a few weeks before you can change it totally. This might not be the most efficient way to change your Facebook page name or username but it works fine. However, this only works when your Facebook page name is not totally different from its previous name.

But if you want to change the name into something totally different you need to have a press release from your Brand. You need to submit the official press release on your Facebook page. The press release needs to have the reason why the Brand name was changed. It is a way to inform the followers of your Facebook Page.

Facebook will guide you through the whole process to help you change your Facebook page name. You can also directly live chat with Facebook Business Support.

Once your Facebook name is changed successfully, you will receive a message from Facebook support group.

facebook page name change

People who like your Facebook page will also be notified of the recent changes made. They will have the option to report your facebook page if they find the name change misleading.

If everything seems fine your Facebook page name will be changed permanently.

Written by Daccanomics

Daccanomics is an independent news media company. It is founded with one purpose only – to give the much-needed and sought-after knowledge to help our readers.

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